Manifesting the Quantum Life.........Sai Ram

.........Cause me to me a temple for worship of YOU!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Charles Taylor, Wright Bros mechanic FAA A&P license

Charles Taylor

Since the introduction of the updated airman certificate in 2003, the Mechanic and Repairman community have requested that FAA issue a certificate that represents the contributions of Mr. Charles E. Taylor, who served as the Wright brothers’ mechanic and was credited with building the engine for the 1903 Wright Flyer.

inside the new M600 Meridian..

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Fibonacci sequence appears in nature, in a startling variety of places

Fibonacci Sequence

Over the years, artists and architects have used the golden ratio to set the proportions of their paintings and sculptures, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by happy accident. Even the TELUS World of Science building incorporates the Fibonacci sequence—on purpose!—creating a connection to the surrounding environment. And to the pine cone.

The Fibonacci Sequence

   Leonard Bigollo (aka Fibonacci, "son of good nature") was an Italian mathematician who lived in Pisa, Italy, home of the leaning tower. In the thirteenth century, he wrote a revolutionary book that introduced Europe to Arabic numerals, which allowed merchants and engineers to move away from the awkward system of Roman numerals.
To show just how handy his new system was, Fibonacci created and solved a series of mathematical puzzles. Here's an example:
Take a pair of hypothetical rabbits. Every month, a mature pair of rabbits can produce a pair of babies. These bunnies take two months to grow up and then they too can produce babies. If none of the rabbits die, how many rabbits will you end up with after three months? After six months? After two years?
Month 1: Two adult rabbits (one pair of adults)
Month 2: Two adults and two babies (one pair of adults)
Month 3: Four adults and two babies (two pairs of adults)
Month 4: Six adults and four babies (three pairs of adults)
Continue the puzzle, counting the pairs of adult rabbits at each step, and you'll get the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on.
While Fibonacci's rabbits aren't very realistic, the same sequence shows up when you count the reflections of light from double-paned glass, or when you compute the family tree of a honeybee.
Take a closer look at the sequence. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the two numbers that come before it. But that's not all. Get a calculator and divide each number in the sequence by the number before it. The first few are:
1 ÷ 1 = 1
2 ÷ 1 = 2
3 ÷ 2 = 1.5
5 ÷ 3 = 1.66666...
8 ÷ 5 = 1.6
13 ÷ 8 = 1.625
Keep going and the result gets closer and closer to a number known as the golden ratio. Made from the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, the golden ratio begins as 1.6180339887 and continues without repeating or ending.

     The Fibonacci sequence appears in nature, in a startling variety of places. You can find it in the branching patterns of plants and in the arrangement of scales on a pineapple. Most flowers have a Fibonacci number of petals, and the golden ratio describes the curl of spiral shells and elephant tusks.
      Look at a pine cone from the bottom. You'll see that the scales spin outward in two spirals, one to the left and one to the right. Compare the number of "left-handed" spirals to the number of "right-handed" ones. The result will be a pair of neighbours in the Fibonacci sequence.


Where there is life, there is immortality

   Death is the symbol of the fear of God.  His Love is blotted out in the idea, which holds it from awareness like a shield held up to obscure the sun.  The grimness of the symbol is enough to show it cannot coexist with God.  It holds an image of the Son of God in which he is “laid to rest” in devastation’s arms, where worms wait to greet him and to last a little while by his destruction.  Yet the worms as well are doomed to be destroyed as certainly.  And so do all things live because of death.  Devouring is nature’s “law of life.”  God is insane, and fear alone is real.
   The curious belief that there is part of dying things that may go on apart from what will die, does not proclaim a loving God nor re-establish any grounds for trust.  If death is real for anything, there is no life.  Death denies life.  But if there is reality in life, death is denied.  No compromise in this is possible.  There is either a god of fear or One of Love.  The world attempts a thousand compromises, and will attempt a thousand more.  Not one can be acceptable to God’s teachers, because not one could be acceptable to God.  He did not make death because He did not make fear.  Both are equally meaningless to Him.
    The “reality” of death is firmly rooted in the belief that God’s Son is a body.  And if God created bodies, death would indeed be real.  But God would not be loving.  There is no point at which the contrast between the perception of the real world and that of the world of illusions becomes more sharply evident.  Death is indeed the death of God, if He is Love.  And now His Own creation must stand in fear of Him.  He is not Father, but destroyer.  He is not Creator, but avenger.  Terrible His Thoughts and fearful His image.  To look on His creations is to die.
   “And the last to be overcome will be death.”  Of course!  Without the idea of death there is no world.  All dreams will end with this one.  This is salvation’s final goal; the end of all illusions.  And in death are all illusions born.  What can be born of death and still have life?  But what is born of God and still can die?  The inconsistencies, the compromises and the rituals the world fosters in its vain attempts to cling to death and yet to think love real are mindless magic, ineffectual and meaningless.  God is, and in Him all created things must be eternal.  Do you not see that otherwise He has an opposite, and fear would be as real as love?

   Teacher of God, your one assignment could be stated thus: Accept no compromise in which death plays a part.  Do not believe in cruelty, nor let attack conceal the truth from you.  What seems to die has but been misperceived and carried to illusion.  Now it becomes your task to let the illusion be carried to the truth.  Be steadfast but in this; be not deceived by the “reality” of any changing form.  Truth neither moves nor wavers nor sinks down to death and dissolution.  And what is the end of death?  Nothing but this; the realization that the Son of God is guiltless now and forever.  Nothing but this.  But do not let yourself forget it is not less than this.

Mountains and Singapore



Friday, May 1, 2015

Jeshua photo...on shores of Sea of Galilee

Lightworkers are souls who carry the strong inner desire to spread light – knowledge, freedom, and self-love – on Earth. They sense this as their mission. They are often attracted to spirituality and to therapeutic work of some kind. Because of their deeply felt mission, lightworkers often feel different from other people. By experiencing different kinds of obstacles on their way, life provokes them to find their own unique path. Lightworkers are nearly always solitary individuals, not fitting into fixed societal structures.
They have trouble feeling at home within traditional jobs and/or organization structures. Lightworkers are naturally anti-authoritarian, which means that they naturally resist decisions or values based solely on power or hierarchy. This anti-authoritarian trait is present even if they seem timid and shy. It is connected to the very essence of their mission here on Earth.
 It is sad to watch how you, when you truly share your highest gifts and talents with the world, still have reservations about asking and receiving from the world what you want and need for yourself. Many old judgments prevent you from truly standing up for yourself and enjoying the receiving part. But the secret of the universe is balance.
The universe knows that you need to be sustained on all levels to express your highest potential in this lifetime. There is nothing sinful about that. When you are truly creative from the heart, you will attract a receiving flow as well and only by allowing it in will you keep the outward flow of creativity alive and vibrant.
    I would like to say a little more about the word “enough.” I told you that the energy of the heart is characterized first by the flow of ease. When things succeed easily and all you need appears spontaneously on your path, it is a sign that you are going with the flow of your heart. The second energy flow I distinguished is the flow of enough. Enough means everything that I need right now to be a fulfilled human angel is available to me. To live in the flow of enough means that you feel satisfied with and thankful for what you have. You feel nurtured by what surrounds you on the material, emotional, mental and spiritual level. That is abundance. That is having enough.
Experiencing the flow of enough means that you enjoy what you have in the Now. All of you know that to experience abundance is a subjective state of mind. It depends on the circumstances. The amount of material abundance that you have does not necessarily relate to the amount of pleasure you experience. Experiencing abundance is not about being rich; it is about experiencing riches in all that surrounds you. You have to discover for yourself the kind of material abundance that satisfies and fulfills you. For some people this could mean living on their own in a secluded hut where they can enjoy nature to the full. For others it implies a luxurious place in town where they enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city. There is no judgment on this from our side, from God or from Spirit.
You need to find out what enough means for you. The key is to find the flow that makes you happy, that gives you the feeling that you are living life to the fullest. That is the flow of enough. You can recognise it not by the amount of material goods you possess but by the sense of joy and fulfillment you have in your everyday life. Enough is a feeling, not a thing.
    You can be out of tune with this flow in two ways. You can want “more than enough” or you can want “less than enough.” If you want “more than enough” you crave material wealth that you do not really need or are capable of truly enjoying. Too many possessions make life complicated and actually take away some of your joy. Joy thrives on a good and simple life.    When you seek to have more than enough you often do it to feel a safeguard for the future. You can get addicted to the feeling of having money just for the security of it. But that is not to experience abundance in the Now. It is to experience lack in the midst of material wealth! To really be in the flow of enough, you need to let go of fear and dare to enjoy yourself with what there is. This very enjoyment will attract more of the same into your life; it will maintain the flow of enough. If you start thinking that you need more material security, however, you go into fear whereas what you need is more trust and less fear.
     If you settle for “less than enough” you are also stuck in fear but here it is the fear of truly opening yourself up to the world, expressing yourself and receiving back from it as well. You are afraid to live life to the fullest. You might think you are not worthy of it, not capable of it or that it is sinful to be all that you are and to receive full recognition for that. What you need is to feel your natural beauty and innocence. You are meant to express yourself and to be loved for who you are. The world becomes a more beautiful and radiant place if you share the gift of your soul with it, and it wants to bless you with enough in return. The universe is geared to abundance and you can be a part of that flow if you open up to your real nature which is pure and unconditional love.
 “Enough” is the natural state of being. You are all here to experience enough; the flow of enough is available to all of you. It is quite meaningless to settle for less. It is not true that you will improve yourself spiritually by abstinence or self-imposed poverty. More likely you will develop feelings of bitterness or hostility because of it. Please do not try to seek some kind of spiritual justification for your lack of abundance. You are all here to enjoy life to the fullest, to let your creative energy flow into the world and to receive joy, satisfaction and material abundance in return.
 All that you need on the physical level to realize your heartfelt desires will appear in your life in an effortless way, out of the blue. It will enter your life with ease and elegance. It may seem miraculous and at the same time feel perfectly appropriate. It is not your grasping, trying, pushing and forcing that will get it to you but your silent awareness of your truest needs, your honesty to face up to them and your courage to trust and let go. Honoring the longings of your heart with such focus and surrender will bring the reality of enough to you.
Your focused, silent and open awareness of these heartfelt desires is enough to make the changes happen. Realizing who you are is the biggest magnet to change in your everyday life. It is not necessary or even useful to push for change on the material level. The key is to feel deeply (but not emotionally) what you are longing for and to then leave it in the hands of your heart. Just release and trust.
from the

'Quantum Speed Reading'

How it all began


     It all began 'by accident' as most of us are fond of saying. One day, ace teacher Yumiko Tobitani was doing a lesson with children at the Shichida child academy in Tokyo. She asked the children to quickly, then slowly, flick through the pages of a book for a total of thirty times. Each child had their own chair that they took to a spot where they felt most relaxed and proceeded to flick through the pages of the book. After finishing, they came back to their desks.

          However there was one child who stayed back. Ms. Tobitani could see that this child looked really involved in the book and thought, "Oh well I'll just leave him to carry on". Just after she had done this she heard the sound of the chair being dragged back across the floor and there was the child back at his desk. Then he simply said, "That was really fun." When kids show some kind of a change in their speech or behavior Yumiko generally tries to listen to them. So she asked this particular student what was going on.
         The astonishing reply led to the creation of QSR. The eight year old student said, "I saw pictures coming out of the pages and I understood everything in the book". Yumiko, through her long experience as a teacher in non-linear learning, instantly realized a function of the right brain's imagery was at work with this child. The right brain is deeply connected to speed. So when a book is flipped through at high speed the words are transformed into images and come out as pictures. Naturally the other kids had no idea what was going on and just sat there amazed.
       She decided to have some other children have a try at it. All of them did exactly the same, flipping through the pages. Amazingly all of them saw images coming out. The right brain has the ability to communicate information so that it is understandable to everyone. This is called resonance. Therefore when everybody has a desire to learn it or the desire to see it, this ability gets transmitted to everyone as a resonating vibration. Because of this an entirely new way of reading books was born and Yumiko Tobitani decided to call it, 'Quantum Speed Reading'.
   This was to be a momentous event in the field of creative education.
The effects of QSR
After many years of experimentation QSR has proven to be a highly effective way of learning. However as we shall see it is not at all limited in its effects to education alone.
Let's now look at some of the results that have been witnessed by those participating in the adults' training seminars. A business seminar lasting four hours per lesson was held for three days straight. After it was completed we heard of people's various impressions. These can be divided into the following categories: