Manifesting the Quantum Life.........Sai Ram

.........Cause me to me a temple for worship of YOU!!!!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Otis Carr

 Otis Carr learned many secrets from Tesla, and much has been lost to time, but there are those here now, through this website who are re-discovering the secrets from Carr’s own mysterious writings, and his patented drawings.
   Carr was ultimately shut down by the US government, who asserted that Carr was attempting to overthrow the monetary system. Cease and desist your operations… We’re terminating your project due to the threats it poses to the international monetary system.

What are those threats?  What would happen if he was ever more successful?

  What if what his work was working towards was a system that would SUPERSEDE the international monetary system.  Now with all the cryptocurrency around the world, even founded by banks, the international monetary system is still the dominant system!!!  Odd it is that something so vast can be so easily threatened..........

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